About the Book

Smelling Daisies

Smelling Daisies _ Modern Day Soldier, Daisy, Time Travels to Old World Scotland Where Her Bravery is Put to the Test, While Giving Love Another Chance Book One in the _Daisy_ series by Elysia Stevens and Mark Stevens

Whenever things seem to fall apart around Daisy, romance novels are her way of escaping. When immersed in a novel, she can imagine herself in the story as the lead female character. Still, the difference between her and the typical female character in her novels is that she is not your average damsel in distress. 

Daisy was raised by a military father who ensured his daughter knew survival skills and how to protect herself. Following in her beloved father’s footsteps, Daisy joined the army and met Justin. Eventually, Daisy’s dreams would come true. While on a decompression stop after a deployment overseas, she finds herself at the Lachlan Castle in Scotland. There, she is thrown back in time to the era she loves to read about, but things are nothing like she imagined.

When Daisy befriends a bonnie Scottish lass, she finds herself in a haven under the roof of the girl’s brother, a laird named Alick. It becomes clear that the laird is constantly challenged by the many nuances of Daisy’s status as a modern-day female soldier as she attempts to navigate the dangerous life in medieval Scotland. While trying her best to fit in, Daisy stumbles upon a psychotic baron named Thomas, who loves to torture women and is fascinated with her.

Both Laird Alick and Baron Thomas want to tame the lioness in Daisy but for different reasons. But Daisy is ill-prepared for medieval love or warfare and must train her heart and head to face what’s coming next.




Loud cheers from my fellow restaurant patrons erupted around me as I ate the last few bites of my enormous burger. It seemed like a good idea at the time: eat a two-pound burger and fries in ten minutes and get my meal for free, but I didn’t think through how my stomach would react to all the grease.

I left the restaurant and started back to my hotel, feeling like a champion, with a free T-shirt and my picture on the wall as one of the few who managed to finish in the allotted time, but around twenty minutes later, I started to regret my decision. My first warning was the bubble rolling around in my tummy, followed by the sweats. I knew that if I didn’t get to my hotel bathroom immediately, I was going to fill my pants with two pounds of quickly-consumed hamburger. My only hope was to put a little pep in my step and high-tail it back to the hotel with my cheeks clenched, but there was at least a ten-minute walk ahead of me.

When I reached the River Inn, I was drenched in sweat, pale, and probably looked on the verge of having a jammer. I rushed into the elevator, and once the doors closed, I was alone to contemplate my life in a big tin can. As I neared the twenty-first floor, the need to pump the bilge intensified tenfold. The digital number display seemed to scroll in slow motion as the tenth floor crawled by, followed by the eleventh, and so on. Two floors below mine, I felt safe that I would come out of this situation unscathed, so I decided to sneak out a little squeaker to relieve some of the pressure.

If I learned anything from this situation, it was this: you can spend your whole day out and about and not see one goodlooking guy, but if you blow one little fart in an elevator, one will suddenly appear like Houdini.

As the ding chimed and the elevator doors opened one floor below mine, I sheepishly stood in my stench, staring into the face of a tall, muscular, blond-haired, brown-eyed hunk of a man. I could tell he didn’t appreciate the treat that I left for him. So, there was only one thing to do in this situation, and that was to stay cool and collected, as though nothing had happened, even though it was pretty evident that I had just dumped my guts. The look he gave me as he stopped in his tracks and raised one eyebrow before turning and pressing the button for the thirtieth floor made me blurt out the first thing that came to mind.

“Do you smell popcorn?” I said. Instantly, I regretted my words, as heat rose to my cheeks.

He gave me a sideways smirk and faced the doors as they closed, replying, “I am not sure where you buy your popcorn, but if it smells like that, I wouldn’t recommend buying it again.”

Now Available

Publication Date

August 25, 2024




ISBN-13: 9781779418647 ISBN-10: 1779418647


ISBN-13: 9781779418654 ISBN-10: 1779418655


ISBN-13: 9781779418661 ISBN-10: 1779418663


ISBN-13: 9781779625397 ISBN-10: 1779625391

Smelling Daisies _ Modern Day Soldier, Daisy, Time Travels to Old World Scotland Where Her Bravery is Put to the Test, While Giving Love Another Chance Book One in the _Daisy_ series by Elysia Stevens and Mark Stevens

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